These last few summer months have been busy ones..
BJ partook in the Men's Poker Night which brought in about 300 bucks toward our mission to Peru!! So awesome, they had a great night of fellowship and poker and of course snacks :) Brody and I got to take a Mother/Son trip to Florida for 4 days, which was amazing... such great bonding and sharing.... I love that little man! We moved from spokane back to Cheney just last week in obedience to God...(see the post before) and we found out that we are having a little boy in February! We will be naming him Colton Thomas Miller. Wow quick recap... but we also wanted to share that we got our pledge sheet done... so if you plan on supporting us monthly or with a one time gift, would you email us at and let us know the amount and whether it will be monthly or a one time gift? We will then be putting you on our pledge sheet.... we understand that most don't wish to support us until we go, but we don't know when we can go unless we ask the amount you plan on supporting us for. :) Thanks again Family and Friends!
Let us know if you have any questions...
BJ and Courtney
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Peru Update!!
Update on your missionaries to Peru
Lots of people ask us how the missions thing is going, or when we are leaving, or what’s been going on with it…. To be completely honest with you what’s been going is that BJ and I had been living in disobedience to the Lord and we didn’t even know it. Let me explain…
BJ has been working 50-60hrs per week and I have been taking care of my home and children, we serve in a few different ways in our church, but have been on a break from ministry for the summer. Most would say, “what’s wrong with that?” Well each month, we tithe, budget, coupon clip, and are wise with our finances, and still each month have come up short…
BJ decided two months ago to apply for a new job that he was overqualified for that paid 6 dollars more than he makes now. It was between him and one other guy, and the man that interviewed him was already talking as if BJ had the job… yet we found out last week that he didn’t get the job.
As I was figuring out our monthly budget again for next month, I quickly figured out that we had more month than we had money. I lost it, broke down and cried, threw my hands up in the air and cried out to God, “Why God?! What are we doing wrong? What are we NOT seeing here? We are so diligent with our finances and yet somehow we are feeling punished, we never make enough!” I vented my frustrations to God and my husband and told BJ that it had to be something spiritual, we have to be not hearing something that God is trying to say to us.
That night we got quiet before God, we read… I flipped on my iPOD and it opened to the book of Haggai. I read it quietly to myself and then to BJ. I love that God always speaks to me so clearly through His word, as if He wrote it to me. We have highlighted what spoke to us…Here is what Haggai 1 says:
On August 29[a] of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the Lord gave a message through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Jeshua[b] son of Jehozadak, the high priest.
2 “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: The people are saying, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.’”
3 Then the Lord sent this message through the prophet Haggai: 4 “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? 5 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 6 You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!
7 “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 8 Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house. Then I will take pleasure in it and be honored, says the Lord. 9 You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses. 10 It’s because of you that the heavens withhold the dew and the earth produces no crops. 11 I have called for a drought on your fields and hills—a drought to wither the grain and grapes and olive trees and all your other crops, a drought to starve you and your livestock and to ruin everything you have worked so hard to get.”
Obedience to God’s Call
12 Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of God’s people began to obey the message from the Lord their God. When they heard the words of the prophet Haggai, whom the Lord their God had sent, the people feared the Lord. 13 Then Haggai, the Lord’s messenger, gave the people this message from the Lord: “I am with you, says the Lord!”
14 So the Lord sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the enthusiasm of Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the enthusiasm of the whole remnant of God’s people. They began to work on the house of their God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, 15 on September 21[c] of the second year of King Darius’s reign.
We were so focused on building our home here, working to pay the bills only to never have enough… the reason we didn’t have enough and why I yelled at God, was because God had a bigger plan. His plan was to show us this verse, and to make us realize that He has called us to be missionaries, and not to set up a home and a comfy lifestyle here, when He has a plan for us in Peru. We were so focused on making money and living here that we put all missions efforts on hold because it wasn’t immediately staring us in the face. Our hearts are very much still excited about going to Peru, we just lost our focus. What I love about the bible is that almost every time God gives correction or rebuke, He gives a promise and reminds us that He love us… In verse 12 after the people began to obey the message they received, God reminds them that He is with them, which sparked enthusiasm in His people and they began to work on the house of their God… so it did with us… we received the message God spoke through Haggai, God reminded us that He loves us, that He will never ever leave us or forsake us, and we are beginning again to work on the call that God has placed in our life.
How does this look practically? Well I know that my home and family will always be my first ministry, I take being a stay at home mom very seriously, and know that this is a great opportunity to teach Jesus to our kids, more important than any subject they will ever learn in school. BJ will be working 30hrs a week and we will be moving in 18 days to BJ’s parents house to stay with them until we transition to the mission field. Most people look at moving back in with your parents as a step backward, and it would be if we were living in the states our whole lives I am sure, but for us it is a HUGE blessing, a step forward, a great time of fellowship with his phenomenal parents, and we will be saving an astronomical amount of money doing so. We just so happened to be at the end of our lease on 08/30/11, and our short term provision? No sweat for God! We asked if the rental company would pro-rate our rent, they said they had never done it before, but were willing to make an exception for us! What?! God is so crazy amazing! So this is our update, we will be meeting with our missions team shortly and setting up our next fundraiser, and getting our newsletters out along with our pledge sheets… please if you plan on supporting us once we go, let us know for how much, so we know when we can plan on going Thanks so much for prayerfully supporting us, Thank you to those who have given even now financially, and thank you to those who after reading this will prayerfully consider supporting us as we take these steps of obedience towards our God and His calling for our lives.
Lots of people ask us how the missions thing is going, or when we are leaving, or what’s been going on with it…. To be completely honest with you what’s been going is that BJ and I had been living in disobedience to the Lord and we didn’t even know it. Let me explain…
BJ has been working 50-60hrs per week and I have been taking care of my home and children, we serve in a few different ways in our church, but have been on a break from ministry for the summer. Most would say, “what’s wrong with that?” Well each month, we tithe, budget, coupon clip, and are wise with our finances, and still each month have come up short…
BJ decided two months ago to apply for a new job that he was overqualified for that paid 6 dollars more than he makes now. It was between him and one other guy, and the man that interviewed him was already talking as if BJ had the job… yet we found out last week that he didn’t get the job.
As I was figuring out our monthly budget again for next month, I quickly figured out that we had more month than we had money. I lost it, broke down and cried, threw my hands up in the air and cried out to God, “Why God?! What are we doing wrong? What are we NOT seeing here? We are so diligent with our finances and yet somehow we are feeling punished, we never make enough!” I vented my frustrations to God and my husband and told BJ that it had to be something spiritual, we have to be not hearing something that God is trying to say to us.
That night we got quiet before God, we read… I flipped on my iPOD and it opened to the book of Haggai. I read it quietly to myself and then to BJ. I love that God always speaks to me so clearly through His word, as if He wrote it to me. We have highlighted what spoke to us…Here is what Haggai 1 says:
On August 29[a] of the second year of King Darius’s reign, the Lord gave a message through the prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Jeshua[b] son of Jehozadak, the high priest.
2 “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: The people are saying, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.’”
3 Then the Lord sent this message through the prophet Haggai: 4 “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? 5 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 6 You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!
7 “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Look at what’s happening to you! 8 Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house. Then I will take pleasure in it and be honored, says the Lord. 9 You hoped for rich harvests, but they were poor. And when you brought your harvest home, I blew it away. Why? Because my house lies in ruins, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, while all of you are busy building your own fine houses. 10 It’s because of you that the heavens withhold the dew and the earth produces no crops. 11 I have called for a drought on your fields and hills—a drought to wither the grain and grapes and olive trees and all your other crops, a drought to starve you and your livestock and to ruin everything you have worked so hard to get.”
Obedience to God’s Call
12 Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of God’s people began to obey the message from the Lord their God. When they heard the words of the prophet Haggai, whom the Lord their God had sent, the people feared the Lord. 13 Then Haggai, the Lord’s messenger, gave the people this message from the Lord: “I am with you, says the Lord!”
14 So the Lord sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the enthusiasm of Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the enthusiasm of the whole remnant of God’s people. They began to work on the house of their God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, 15 on September 21[c] of the second year of King Darius’s reign.
We were so focused on building our home here, working to pay the bills only to never have enough… the reason we didn’t have enough and why I yelled at God, was because God had a bigger plan. His plan was to show us this verse, and to make us realize that He has called us to be missionaries, and not to set up a home and a comfy lifestyle here, when He has a plan for us in Peru. We were so focused on making money and living here that we put all missions efforts on hold because it wasn’t immediately staring us in the face. Our hearts are very much still excited about going to Peru, we just lost our focus. What I love about the bible is that almost every time God gives correction or rebuke, He gives a promise and reminds us that He love us… In verse 12 after the people began to obey the message they received, God reminds them that He is with them, which sparked enthusiasm in His people and they began to work on the house of their God… so it did with us… we received the message God spoke through Haggai, God reminded us that He loves us, that He will never ever leave us or forsake us, and we are beginning again to work on the call that God has placed in our life.
How does this look practically? Well I know that my home and family will always be my first ministry, I take being a stay at home mom very seriously, and know that this is a great opportunity to teach Jesus to our kids, more important than any subject they will ever learn in school. BJ will be working 30hrs a week and we will be moving in 18 days to BJ’s parents house to stay with them until we transition to the mission field. Most people look at moving back in with your parents as a step backward, and it would be if we were living in the states our whole lives I am sure, but for us it is a HUGE blessing, a step forward, a great time of fellowship with his phenomenal parents, and we will be saving an astronomical amount of money doing so. We just so happened to be at the end of our lease on 08/30/11, and our short term provision? No sweat for God! We asked if the rental company would pro-rate our rent, they said they had never done it before, but were willing to make an exception for us! What?! God is so crazy amazing! So this is our update, we will be meeting with our missions team shortly and setting up our next fundraiser, and getting our newsletters out along with our pledge sheets… please if you plan on supporting us once we go, let us know for how much, so we know when we can plan on going Thanks so much for prayerfully supporting us, Thank you to those who have given even now financially, and thank you to those who after reading this will prayerfully consider supporting us as we take these steps of obedience towards our God and His calling for our lives.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
So we have an amazing new Missions Support Team, to say that we are blessed by this team is the understatement of the world.... not only the team, but our whole church helped us to raise 1500 dollars toward our initial cost to move to Peru... We'd like to say thanks to ALL who helped, including Fellowship Baptist Church who let us use their location, which was perfect... We are so excited that the community of Cheney came out to support us, Thanks to all of you...
I love our church... Up next is the Men's Poker night to raise money for Peru... All proceeds will go to getting us to Peru... also we will be sending out Newsletters shortly to those not in our church, so if your reading this and want one, send me your address...:)
A million times Cheney Faith Center, Thank You...
Love, BJ & Courtney
I love our church... Up next is the Men's Poker night to raise money for Peru... All proceeds will go to getting us to Peru... also we will be sending out Newsletters shortly to those not in our church, so if your reading this and want one, send me your address...:)
A million times Cheney Faith Center, Thank You...
Love, BJ & Courtney
It's a Baby!!
Thats right, for those of you who don't know, we are expecting baby miller #4.... We are uber excited and blessed by God.... Often the response we get is, "Oh man you are going to be busy" I just chuckle and wonder why people think that I am not already busy as a mom of 3 under 3...:D It will add a little touch of crazy to our lives for a couple of months, while we adjust to a different schedule, but I can guarantee that this little baby will add a lifetime of amazing blessings... We are excited when we read God's word and He reminds us that BEFORE this baby was even thought of, God knew it, and know's HIS plans for it's life. We are so blessed by God that we get to be parents, of four amazing blessings that are our children....
Thanks to all for celebrating with us on our Journey!
BJ & Courtney
Monday, June 20, 2011
Cajamarca Here we come!
A few months ago, Calvary Chapel Bible College in Lima, Peru let us know they would be movin' on up to the north they are moving the bible college to Cajamarca Peru, 16 hours north of the city of Lima! Cajamarca is nestled in the clouds at 8900ft in elevation, with a population of around 200,000 it is very much traditional Peru, this is the same place where the last Incan Emperor had his last stand and died. When we originally felt called to Peru we asked God what we would be doing, and the Lord told us to come along side CCBC Peru and that it would be a season of helping them in anyway they needed. When we found out that the college was moving, we prayed and asked God if we should follow or stay headed for Lima, and the Lord reminded us that He called us to come along side CCBC Peru, and if they move to Cajamarca, so do we! So Cajamarca here we come! We are still thinking that September will be the time to go, and are moving forward with that timeline... we are completely ready to roll, just waiting on finances, so I guess what I would like to say about that is, if you are reading this, and you feel like you want to monthly financially support us, or give us a monetary gift toward our initial cost, would you consider doing that soon? :) We are at 13% of our monthly goal, we totally trust that God will provide through His people... If you would like to partner with us financially, it is very easy and tax deductible simply go to click Donate Now and it will give you the option of a one time gift, or monthly support. You can also select your receipt option.
Thank you for considering partnering with us as we serve Jesus and the native people of Cajamarca Peru!
Thank you for considering partnering with us as we serve Jesus and the native people of Cajamarca Peru!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
South America here we come!
Just wanted to give you guys an idea of what we will be doing when we get to Lima, Peru...
Lima, Peru Here we come! Wow! we are so excited that this time is finally here! We are thinking our time to go will be sometime in August/September and are moving forward with that time line, but are ever listening and praying. We really feel the Lord laying on our hearts that this will be a season of helping, blessing, encouraging, and doing whatever we can to help the ministry that is already taking place in Lima. We will be coming alongside Calvary Chapel Bible College Lima Peru, and Calvary Chapel Lima. For those of you who don't know their vision is:
*To establish a Spanish-speaking Bible College
*To establish a training center for missionaries
*To establish a center where students from both schools would serve and work together, forming teams to be sent out to plant churches.
*To receive visiting short-term missions teams to spearhead evangelistic outreaches throughout Latin America.
We want to move close to the bible college in Magdalena Del Mar... and start helping there in whatever ways they need, and learn the language... We believe this is a great starting point, and are looking forward to all the things God will call us to while we are there... We will be helping with park ministries for children while we are down there, we both want to get involved with Men's and Women's ministries. We know that God works when hearts are willing and obedient... so that's our heart to go where He sends us, and to be obedient to the things He calls us to.
Thanks so much...
Dios te bendiga! ( God Bless You!)
Lima, Peru Here we come! Wow! we are so excited that this time is finally here! We are thinking our time to go will be sometime in August/September and are moving forward with that time line, but are ever listening and praying. We really feel the Lord laying on our hearts that this will be a season of helping, blessing, encouraging, and doing whatever we can to help the ministry that is already taking place in Lima. We will be coming alongside Calvary Chapel Bible College Lima Peru, and Calvary Chapel Lima. For those of you who don't know their vision is:
*To establish a Spanish-speaking Bible College
*To establish a training center for missionaries
*To establish a center where students from both schools would serve and work together, forming teams to be sent out to plant churches.
*To receive visiting short-term missions teams to spearhead evangelistic outreaches throughout Latin America.
We want to move close to the bible college in Magdalena Del Mar... and start helping there in whatever ways they need, and learn the language... We believe this is a great starting point, and are looking forward to all the things God will call us to while we are there... We will be helping with park ministries for children while we are down there, we both want to get involved with Men's and Women's ministries. We know that God works when hearts are willing and obedient... so that's our heart to go where He sends us, and to be obedient to the things He calls us to.
Thanks so much...
Dios te bendiga! ( God Bless You!)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Beauty in simplicty
It has been a very very busy month for us... We are officially heading to Peru... we are just waiting for the finances.... Of course we would love the Lord to provide this overnight so we can just be there already.... we feel kind of lost starting fundraising.. but how else do we let people know about the opportunity to partner with us if we dont share and ask... so thats what were going to start doing.
The biggest back and forth struggle for me(Courtney) is our comforts, our stuff, our home, our cars, our home decor, most importantly our family, our friends, our church... can we leave it all and go to Peru? Some days I feel so strong and my answer is yes... without a doubt. How can we not? How can we hear the call from Jesus and say no? How can we see the need and leave it be? We can't...we won't.
But then I look into the faces sunday morning of all the friends and people we have grown to love and cherish, who have become family to us... and I don't want to go! I don't want to leave them all behind... if you are reading this and you love us, will you all just come with us??!! That is including all of our loved ones all over!
The Lord is so faithful to speak to us... He has been providing peace and joy through it all, and we realized that if heaven is our home, then this life is just a hotel room, we are only visiting, our time here is temporary... all though the hotel room is beautiful, it isn't meant to bring us all the comforts of home.... only heaven can do that.... where our Father waits for us...
Here is a song that a dear friend shared with me by Josh Wilson its called "I refuse" and this is our heart....
Sometimes I,
I just want to close my eyes
And act like everyone's alright
When I know they're not
This world needs God, but it's easier to stand and watch
I could pray a prayer and just move on
Like nothing's wrong...
But I refuse.
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse.
I can hear the least of these,
crying out so desperately...
And I know we are the hands and feed of You, Oh God
So if You say move, it's time for me to follow through
And do what I was made to do
And show them who You are
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse.
I refuse to stand and watch the weary and lost cry out for help
I refuse to turn my back and try and act like all is well
I refuse to stay unchanged, to wait another day to die myself
I refuse to make one more excuse
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse.
This is our heart, to love like Jesus loved, to see people through His eyes, to see their need, their hearts, to see them and love them... to point them to Jesus...everywhere we go...
Ok so you can't come....I get it.... will you send us? Pray about financially supporting us and God's work in Peru... (BJ and I joked that none of our family and friends would support us, because no one wants us to leave!) :) Of course we know that all of you will at least consider it in prayer...:)
If you go to Cheney Faith Center pray about being on the missions care /support team that is forming.
Please be praying for us in all of this... for God's provision through His people... for our hearts as we transition... and all that comes with it...
Love to all,
The Millers
The biggest back and forth struggle for me(Courtney) is our comforts, our stuff, our home, our cars, our home decor, most importantly our family, our friends, our church... can we leave it all and go to Peru? Some days I feel so strong and my answer is yes... without a doubt. How can we not? How can we hear the call from Jesus and say no? How can we see the need and leave it be? We can't...we won't.
But then I look into the faces sunday morning of all the friends and people we have grown to love and cherish, who have become family to us... and I don't want to go! I don't want to leave them all behind... if you are reading this and you love us, will you all just come with us??!! That is including all of our loved ones all over!
The Lord is so faithful to speak to us... He has been providing peace and joy through it all, and we realized that if heaven is our home, then this life is just a hotel room, we are only visiting, our time here is temporary... all though the hotel room is beautiful, it isn't meant to bring us all the comforts of home.... only heaven can do that.... where our Father waits for us...
Here is a song that a dear friend shared with me by Josh Wilson its called "I refuse" and this is our heart....
Sometimes I,
I just want to close my eyes
And act like everyone's alright
When I know they're not
This world needs God, but it's easier to stand and watch
I could pray a prayer and just move on
Like nothing's wrong...
But I refuse.
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse.
I can hear the least of these,
crying out so desperately...
And I know we are the hands and feed of You, Oh God
So if You say move, it's time for me to follow through
And do what I was made to do
And show them who You are
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse.
I refuse to stand and watch the weary and lost cry out for help
I refuse to turn my back and try and act like all is well
I refuse to stay unchanged, to wait another day to die myself
I refuse to make one more excuse
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse.
This is our heart, to love like Jesus loved, to see people through His eyes, to see their need, their hearts, to see them and love them... to point them to Jesus...everywhere we go...
Ok so you can't come....I get it.... will you send us? Pray about financially supporting us and God's work in Peru... (BJ and I joked that none of our family and friends would support us, because no one wants us to leave!) :) Of course we know that all of you will at least consider it in prayer...:)
If you go to Cheney Faith Center pray about being on the missions care /support team that is forming.
Please be praying for us in all of this... for God's provision through His people... for our hearts as we transition... and all that comes with it...
Love to all,
The Millers
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Feb 2011
Here are the Miller kiddos...Brodin has a new mohawk, here it doesn't have any product in it, but he loves it!

Ok so i have been faithful to keep updating the blog, but of course it's only blog #2 :D
What is new with the millers? We are sick! It started last thursday with Brodin waking up at midnight screaming for us, and we ran in his room to find puke in his hand.... all night long his gut wrenched until there was nothing left, and he still felt sick.... it hurt my heart to see him that sick! Since then Ella and London got head colds... and BJ and I woke up with what brodin had yesterday morning.... no fun... how come we cant have our mom's bring us saltines and 7up while we take the day off in bed? This being an adult thing is sometimes very hard! lol.
This too will pass.... I know His mercies are new every morning, we are praying it passes quickly!
Well we have been praying alot lately about when to go to Peru... our lease is up in september, and although that seems way too soon for me, it may be the most practical time to go... Now we are praying if what seems practical for us, is the right timing with the Lord... We have applied with shepherds staff an organization that will help us with our finances. They will bill our monthly supporters, and people who want to support us can go to their website and pay online to support us, or "go old school" and acctually mail a check in to the company. They in turn take taxes out, and give us a monthly check. They will give us a list of that months supporters.
We are going to take a step of faith and start fundraising. We are going to send out support letters, also if you think your church would like to partner with us, and support what God is calling us to, then let us know, we would be glad to fly wherever you are and speak at your church. :D Also if you haven't given us your address before, please send it now.. More important than finances is being covered in prayer, if you all could be praying for our next step with all of this, and be overall covering us in prayer that would be fantastic!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Ok for real this time...
I am going to update once a month... for real this time.. lol its been since march!! Oh my has it been along time... but in all seriousness we want to keep our blog updated so I am going to put it on my calendar to update and remind me of my update....
So since then we have a new home, a new car, a new job for bj and a beautiful new baby girl!! London Emmarie Miller!!

I Guess we will start with an update on her... She was born on 10/20/2010, an afternoon baby that came very fast into this world... as i dialated from a 7 to a 10 in one contraction..She was born at 6lbs 1oz and 18.5 inches tall... She had lots of trouble gaining weight(As do all of our babies) And she was hospitalized for a week for failing to thrive... she did end up gaining the weight she needed to night, God showed up and miracles happened... she is sooo adorable, and we are so in love with her... she is 3 months old in two days, and she is almost 10 pounds... here she is all chunky and adorable now... Just last week she caught the flu and was hospitalized again because she was having trouble breathing through all her coughing... and her reflux...

Onto the next child... Ella mae is our middle child who is now 16 months old!!!
Our third and oldest child is Brodin who is 2 and a half years old now!! Where has the time gone?!

Onto BJ and I...
BJ works for Horizon Airlines right now 20 hours a week at night to keep our flight benefits, and during the day works for West Corporation as a call center representative...40 hours a week... needless to say he is busy working hard for our family, and we appreciate it! On top of that we recently took over leading a life team at our church... we are humbled when God wants to use us for his plans! We have a great group, and love seeing God work in and through them already... Jesus is so neat in the way He brings people together...all for His purpose and plan! I am of course a busy stay at home mama... which has its daily challenges but I also am serving the Lord by serving on the womens ministry leadership team... I know God has so much to teach me through this, and when I feel incapable, He reminds me that He is my strength... It has been hard for me to be late to almost everything, we still haven't gotten in a groove.... does that happen?? I sure hope so.. LOL!! We are submitting our application to Shepherds Staff Missions Facilitators... if we are accepted they will be taking care of all of our finances while we are on the mission field, and we are going to start fundraising... we know and trust God completely that He has called us to Lima, Peru, and so he will provide for us... Ok so this has got to be cut off but we will post more next month.... For real this time :)

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