Sunday, July 10, 2011


So we have an amazing new Missions Support Team, to say that we are blessed by this team is the understatement of the world.... not only the team, but our whole church helped us to raise 1500 dollars toward our initial cost to move to Peru... We'd like to say thanks to ALL who helped, including Fellowship Baptist Church who let us use their location, which was perfect... We are so excited that the community of Cheney came out to support us, Thanks to all of you...
I love our church... Up next is the Men's Poker night to raise money for Peru... All proceeds will go to getting us to Peru... also we will be sending out Newsletters shortly to those not in our church, so if your reading this and want one, send me your address...:)
A million times Cheney Faith Center, Thank You...
Love, BJ & Courtney

It's a Baby!!

Thats right, for those of you who don't know, we are expecting baby miller #4.... We are uber excited and blessed by God.... Often the response we get is, "Oh man you are going to be busy" I just chuckle and wonder why people think that I am not already busy as a mom of 3 under 3...:D It will add a little touch of crazy to our lives for a couple of months, while we adjust to a different schedule, but I can guarantee that this little baby will add a lifetime of amazing blessings... We are excited when we read God's word and He reminds us that BEFORE this baby was even thought of, God knew it, and know's HIS plans for it's life. We are so blessed by God that we get to be parents, of four amazing blessings that are our children....

Thanks to all for celebrating with us on our Journey!

BJ & Courtney