Saturday, September 17, 2011

Time flies when your having fun!

These last few summer months have been busy ones..
BJ partook in the Men's Poker Night which brought in about 300 bucks toward our mission to Peru!! So awesome, they had a great night of fellowship and poker and of course snacks :) Brody and I got to take a Mother/Son trip to Florida for 4 days, which was amazing... such great bonding and sharing.... I love that little man! We moved from spokane back to Cheney just last week in obedience to God...(see the post before) and we found out that we are having a little boy in February! We will be naming him Colton Thomas Miller. Wow quick recap... but we also wanted to share that we got our pledge sheet done... so if you plan on supporting us monthly or with a one time gift, would you email us at and let us know the amount and whether it will be monthly or a one time gift? We will then be putting you on our pledge sheet.... we understand that most don't wish to support us until we go, but we don't know when we can go unless we ask the amount you plan on supporting us for. :) Thanks again Family and Friends!
Let us know if you have any questions...
BJ and Courtney