Ok so i have been faithful to keep updating the blog, but of course it's only blog #2 :D
What is new with the millers? We are sick! It started last thursday with Brodin waking up at midnight screaming for us, and we ran in his room to find puke in his hand.... all night long his gut wrenched until there was nothing left, and he still felt sick.... it hurt my heart to see him that sick! Since then Ella and London got head colds... and BJ and I woke up with what brodin had yesterday morning.... no fun... how come we cant have our mom's bring us saltines and 7up while we take the day off in bed? This being an adult thing is sometimes very hard! lol.
This too will pass.... I know His mercies are new every morning, we are praying it passes quickly!
Well we have been praying alot lately about when to go to Peru... our lease is up in september, and although that seems way too soon for me, it may be the most practical time to go... Now we are praying if what seems practical for us, is the right timing with the Lord... We have applied with shepherds staff an organization that will help us with our finances. They will bill our monthly supporters, and people who want to support us can go to their website and pay online to support us, or "go old school" and acctually mail a check in to the company. They in turn take taxes out, and give us a monthly check. They will give us a list of that months supporters.
We are going to take a step of faith and start fundraising. We are going to send out support letters, also if you think your church would like to partner with us, and support what God is calling us to, then let us know, we would be glad to fly wherever you are and speak at your church. :D Also if you haven't given us your address before, please send it now.. calledtogo@hotmail.com More important than finances is being covered in prayer, if you all could be praying for our next step with all of this, and be overall covering us in prayer that would be fantastic!